
London by Frederick Seidel

The woman who’s dying is trying to lose her life.
It’s a great adventure
For everyone trying to help her.
Actually, death avoids her, doesn’t want to hurt her.

So to speak, opens her hand and gently takes away the knife
Everyone well-meaning wants her to use on herself.
There is no knife, of course.
And she is too weak.

If you’re ill, the clinic near Zurich that helps
People leave this world won’t.
If you are that medicated and out of it and desperate,
You may not be thinking right about wanting to end your life.

If you’re near death, you may be too near
For the clinic to help you over the barrier.
She weakly screams she wants to die.
Hard to believe her pain is beyond the reach of drugs.

Please die. Please do. Her daughters don’t want her to die or do.
The world of dew is a world of dew and yet
What airline will fly someone that sick?
They can afford a hospital plane but

Can she still swallow? The famous barbiturate cocktail
The clinic is licensed to administer isn’t the Fountain of Youth.
But what if she gets there and drinks it and it only makes her ill?
And she vomits. It’s unreal. 

(London Review of Books, Vol. 32, No. 5, 11 March 2010)

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